Το Επεισόδιο των Στενών της ΚέρκυραςCorfu has always been a land of acceptance and hospitality. The World War ΙΙ left the Τown of Corfu ruined in considerable part by the German bombardments and the subsequent damages it suffered.

In 1946 it was still measuring its wounds but, despite that, its population found the mental strength to welcome with obvious grief the funeral procession for the 12 dead British sailors –the sole number found and identified among the total of 44 victims– and to treat in the town’s hospital some from the 33 severely wounded.

They were the victims of the terrible explosions on two destroyers of the Royal Navy, HMS Saumarez and HMS Volage, which struck mines, in time of peace, during their passage through the northern Corfu Channel.

The “Albert Cohen Corfu” association, on the occasion of having reached 10 years of activity and within its cycle of events under the label “Corfu remembers…”, chose this year to honour the memory of the foreign sailors that lost their lives 75 years ago. This memorial album is part of the commemoration.

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